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November, 2020

Dear Saints,

What a year! I can’t imagine living here on this earth without God being the Lord of our lives! I’m sure that you all would agree. We are coming to the end of our 38th year on the mission field. Over a million miles driven, most on Mexican roads, countless services, sermons, hours spent with the brethren, marrying them, burying them, seeing them grow up into mature sons and daughters of God, 45+ churches planted, persecution, threats, churches built, souls saved – THANK YOU FOR HELPING US ACCOMPLISH ALL OF THAT!!! As one brother put it: “One goes, one prays, one gives – it takes the three to make a missionary.”

On April 14th we baptized 109 new believers! As I’ve shared before, these are huge events, with close to 100% turnout. Most of the brethren make an effort to attend. I wish we could have gotten photos and video from a flying drone. There were people everywhere! It’s a very emotional time, especially for the older saints who have seen the work from the beginning. I still remember the 1st service, when 9 men were saved. I had to show each one where the verses were in the Bible, how to worship God, etc.

In March, the coronavirus was almost non-existent where we work in Mexico. In May, however, it seemed to be everywhere. It almost killed our first convert, Brother Juan, pastor of the church in Teopisca. We prayed and prayed, hoping that God would spare him and us. Jesus heard our prayers and healed him! Many got sick, but as far as I know, we didn’t lose anyone.

Many of you will remember that when this work first started, there was a lot of serious persecution. Brothers were driven from their villages and homes, some beaten, some jailed for their faith, homes destroyed. As the years have gone by and the churches have grown, the persecution has calmed down. However, in one of our newer churches, a place called “Sacle” (Sock lay) the unbelievers tried to shut down our church there. The main brother, Sebastian and his wife, were threatened and then beaten. They continued, steadfast in the Lord, and it seems that things have now calmed down there. Please pray for them and the other newer churches in that area, Can Xanil (Con sha kneel) and Guadalupe Paxilja (Pa sheel ha).

The brethren in Aguacatenango have outgrown their building, and so they have started construction on a new one. The walls are now up and they hope to put on the roof after the 1st of the year. By faith this will be accomplished. Thank you for praying and supporting this work. God WILL bless you for it!

Ron and Debbie Testa


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