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August, 2016

Dear Saints,

We are now in our 34th year on the mission field and many of you who receive this newsletter have played a big part in that. We appreciate so much your prayers and support of this ministry to the Indigenous people of Mexico. Jesus is coming soon and He tells us that He’s bringing a reward for all of the Saints that have lived for Him, according to their works. The Apostle Paul tells us that each of us has an account in heaven where Jesus has told us to “lay up treasure for ourselves.” Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. I feel badly for those who have lost their homes due to fire, tornadoes or hurricanes. Some have lost their home due to financial problems. The good news is that nothing can touch what we store in heaven. Not thieves, nor fire, nor the economy can affect what we have done for God.

We held three baptismal services throughout the work in Chiapas. One was held in the Highlands, one among the jungle works and one near the Lakes of Monte Bello. A total of 172 people were baptized and 26 were saved the same day in the Highlands! We thank God for this growth. As I’ve shared before, these baptismal services are a big deal for the brethren. It is a major celebration and everyone attends.

Recently, we also held an evangelistic campaign in one of the jungle works – Jol Cantela. The entire village came to see what we were doing and 7 people were saved! We are believing God for more souls in that village.

The church in Saquilja had outgrown their building, so they decided to build a larger one. As is our custom, all 43 churches pitched in and helped them financially and with the construction. Both unbelievers and believers from other groups marvel at this every time it happens. They’ve never seen any other group do it this way. Our brothers also helped a church recently in Xanil that was trying to build a new sanctuary. They belong to another denomination but our brothers helped them anyway because “it’s all for Jesus!” I think He’s pleased. Many times in the past they’ve helped other churches, regardless of which group they belonged to. Jesus rebuked the sectarian spirit and we rebuke it, too. (Mark 9:38-40)

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” – Jesus

Ron and Debbie Testa


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